princess Diana

“DIANA © 1997 Blue Sky Music/Andrew Starr

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31st August 1997. Everyone, world-wide literally stopped. The news was unbelievable. Diana had died in a car crash, in a tunnel in Paris, whilst being pursued by the paparazzi.

“The news hit our TV screen in Australia at around 1pm on the Sunday”, said songwriter Andrew Starr. “I was, as we all were, completely shocked and overwhelmed”. Later that evening, I retreated to my studio, picked up my guitar and started picking out a few chords. I stumbled upon a little riff that seemed to capture the emotion. (It set the mood and became the opening phrase to the song). “It was a kind of like a requiem” said Starr. “Some lyrics came and after a while, the song literally just fell out. A few hours later and the song was virtually complete. I demo’d the tune over the next couple of days and the version you hear above, is identical in lyrics and song structure to the first demo.Even now when I watch this video I get emotional”.